Hiring People with Disabilities

There's a nice blog post on the White House Blog titled, "Hiring People with Disabilities." Did you know that at least two of our presidents, Franklin Delano Roosevelt and Abraham Lincoln, lived with disabilities? John Berry is the Director for the Office of Personnel Management and he writes an interesting blog post that you won't want to miss. Make sure to read it if you're thinking about hiring someone who has a disability.


  1. You might be interested in this article on Accessible iPhone Apps, which describes over 70 iPhone apps for the blind. It was written by Pat Pounds, a blind person in Austin who retired after 30 years in disability policy with the State of Texas. http://www.mhealthtalk.com/2011/10/accessible-iphone-apps/

  2. Hire people with disabilities is the main goal of our organization

  3. It is important to hire people with disabilities because the individual is a good match for a specific business need. Blind individuals have proven that they can perform well in various jobs

  4. I hope they implement this because people with disabilities can still work.


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